Events - Seminars, Webinars, Panel Discussions, Guest Lectures, et al.
Online Webinars

The Sangyan, in collaboration with the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People [NCPEDP], organized a Webinar on ''Climate Justice and Disability: Why We Need to Build Forward Better?". The webinar delved and explored the themes surrounding - Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier for Persons with Disabilities, Intersectionality of Climate-induced Disasters and Disability, DiDRR in Action: Experiences from Ground [Case Studies and Best Practices], Lived Experience with Climate Change [IlH and Climate Anxiety], Role of Universal Accessibility in Disability-inclusive Climate Justice, Disproportionate Impact of Climate Change on Persons with Disabilities, and Disability-Led Development and Climate Justice.

The Sangyan, in collaboration with the Social Workers in Disaster Risk Reduction (SWDRR), organized a Webinar on “Without Disability Justice, There Is No Climate Justice". The webinar delved into and explored the themes surrounding the disproportionate impact of climate change on persons with disabilities, the intersectionality of climate-induced disasters and disability, the Accessible Early Warning System, lived experience with climate change, the role of Universal Accessibility in Disability-inclusive Climate Action, and Disability-inclusive Climate Justice, among other aspects surrounding the intersectionality of climate change and disability.

Panel Discussions

Adv. Abhishek Kumar spoke on 'Green Jobs: Climate Change and Youth with Disabilities' at the Webinar on "Empowering Tomorrow" - an event organised by the Rotary Bangalore Abilities. The webinar took place to commemorate International Youth Day and reflect upon this year’s theme, “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable Future.”
Therein, he talked about the planetary crisis of climate change, the disproportionate impact of climate change on persons with disabilities, green skills for youth with disabilities, key findings of the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023, the intersectionality of green jobs and eco-ableism, and emphasised on the importance of 'Building Forward Better.'
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